SA Global Ventures is a small consultancy with a global reach. Our background includes building inspection and energy technology. Our mission is to use our knowledge and experience to promote new technology, inspection techniques and sustainable methods in countries with a developing middle class. To accomplish this, we partner with local companies and engineering firms such as Vistorias Inspeções Prediais in Brazil.(click here)

The growth paradigm in the developed world was based on virtually limitless natural resources and bureaucracies that created economic incentives for things like centralized grids. Our vision for the future imagines a world that is more cognizant of our effect on the environment and the technology to chart a different course. A recent study (click here)explains that of the 7 billion people on earth today, only 1 billion can be considered middle class or better. The good news is that this number will reach 4 billion by 2030! The methods by which we communicate, power, consume and dispose within our societies will require rapid adaptation.